This test uses a standard universal testing machine to generate a release wave in a specimen under tension through the fracture of a mechanical fuse. Its main advantage is that both quasti-static and high rate stiffnesses can be obtained from a single specimen. This is thought to be particularly useful for materials with high specimen to specimen variability like bone. The presentation below shows a validation on PMMA.
Obtaining quasi-static and dynamic stiffness in one test: the Image-Based Inertial Release (IBIR) test
Presented at the 2020 SEM virtual conference

Recorded video, best viewed with Chrome or Edge.
Related publication
- Fletcher L., Pierron F., The image-based inertial release (IBIR) test: a new high strain rate test for stiffness identification, Experimental Mechanics, available online, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11340-019-00580-6. Open access.