This is the website of the PhotoDyn research group, initially formed at the University of Southampton following Professor Fabrice Pierron‘s EPSRC Established Career Fellowship project called Photodyn (‘Innovative photomechanical approaches in identification of the dynamic mechanical behaviour of materials‘). This project aimed at the development of novel high strain rate test methods based on ultra-high speed deformation and inverse identification. The group more generally works in the field of ‘Icomechanics’ (image-based mechanics), coupling advanced deformation imaging techniques like the Grid Method or Digital Image Correlation and inverse identification tools like the Virtual Fields Method. Since Dr Pierron left the University of Southampton in October 2023 and now works as R&D Director at MatchID NV, the group is now informal and mainly gathers research ressources related to the scientific activities of Dr Pierron, who also has invited professor status at the Universities of Southampton and Ghent.